Donating to ReStores
Donations made to our ReStores are tax-deductible and the proceeds support Habitat's mission. Plus, you'll be keeping good, reusable items in use and out of landfills. The ReStores receive new and gently-used donations from individuals, building supply stores, contractors, home builders, interior designers, and Brevard businesses.
Please take a moment to review our Accepted and Unaccepted Items list below. The purpose of this list is to provide a general outline for items we do and do not accept; however, it is not complete. We encourage you to fill out call with any questions you have regarding your donation.

What we Accept:
What we DO NOT Accept:
Space Coast Habitat for Humanity ReStore
4515 Babcock Street
Palm Bay, FL 32905
Call to schedule a FREE donation pickup 321.728.4009 or schedule it ONLINE
Referrals for non-accepted items
CITA Rescue Mission
(321) 725-5160
Daily Bread Inc.
(321) 676-2900
Goodwill of Central Florida
(321) 953-8090
Sharing Center of Central Brevard
Cocoa:(321) 631-0306
Merritt Island: (321) 338-2927
SPCA of Brevard
(321) 704-8480
Women's Center
(321) 951-1336